The JumpGa Challenge

EVER WONDER HOW your core strength and stability matches up against others? Today you can find out

TRAINING FOR CORE STABILITY requires resisting motion at the lumbar spine through activation of the abdominal musculature as a whole.

Training for core strength allows for motions to occur through the lumbar spine in an attempt to work the abdominal musculature.

When you look at the joints of the lumbar spine, they were built more for stability than for mobility. The motions of flexion/extension, lateral flexion, and rotation really need to occur at the hips and thoracic spine.

The abdominal muscles don’t work in isolation so attempting to train them in that fashion is futile. Training the rectus abdominus through the use of lumbar flexion exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, etc., can actually result in the rectus becoming dominant over the obliques and transverse abdominus!

The most important aspect of JUMPGA-PLANK is correct muscle recruitment to;
1.Maintain optimal alignment and movement between the pelvis and spine
2. Prevent excessive stress of the pelvis during movements of the arms and legs
3. Appropriately stabilise the spine

Begin in Plank:
• Core engaged
• Heels pushing back
• Hug all your muscles into the midline of the body
• Pump the hands into the mat as many times as possible for 30 secs.
What’s your score?